My inbox has recently been flooded with emails asking for the template and step-by-step instructions ofthis gingerbread house, an old post from December of last year. Regrettably, I do no longer have the templates of any gingerbread houses I made over the years, including those of the London iconic buildings, simply because I give them away after using them. I had no plans of reusing them again as I always make something new every year.
So, my big apologies to anyone who contacted me. Let me just quickly explain how I made the Globe Theatre gingerbread. To start with, and this applies to any gingerbread I wanted to make, I always look for photos of the structure I want to copy, then draw them on a piece of paper — must be precise in dimension — then cut them, make necessary adjustments, and finally transfer them on to a cardboard. I then assemble them together using a washi tape. This is a very important process to make sure that all the pieces perfectly fit together. For the gingerbread itself, I use a recipe I’ve posted here. I prefer to use melted sugar as glue but if that doesn’t work for you then an icing sugar with egg white is a good substitute but it takes several hours to dry. To achieve the brownish colour I simply add cocoa powder to the icing. For the Globe Theatre I used icing sugar because it was a little project I did with my goddaughter Anisa. It is not ideal to use melted sugar with kids around.
I failed to document the whole process but here’s a few photos that will give you an idea how I did it. Please email me if you got any other questions.

Candy canes were used as pillars to hold the weight of the roof.

We made this back in December of 2012. Anisa came over to our flat and we did it for a few hours in a couple of days.

Little Anisa and I at the Globe Theatre many years ago, long before we made this gingerbread. Now she’s almost as tall as me and I’m afraid she’ll be taller than me in a year or two!

We were happy to showcase the gingerbread at our church’s fellowship hall on Christmas Day 2012.
The Big Ben gingerbread house deserves a post for another day.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make a mini-gingerbread-village.