Ann Ong: Filipino Fashion Accessory Designer

I’ve lived in London for over sixteen years now, and in the last five years I have seen how some Filipinos are making waves in the UK, particularly in the creative and design industries. Since 2001 the British Council and the British Fashion Council (BFC) have chosen a number of  emerging fashion designers from 25 countries including the Philippines to the International Fashion Showcase – London Fashion Week (IFS-LFW). The purpose of this programme is to showcase the work of new designers and to celebrate the universal relevance of fashion in contemporary culture. Most, if not all, of the Filipinos who were invited to the LFW over the years have been featured by Vogue and other international fashion magazines, and have made a name for themselves at home and/or abroad. Mitch Dulce, Ken Samudio, John Herrera, and others are some of the talents that were discovered by some fashion editors at the IFS-LFW, and their products are now being sold in the UK and other parts of Europe. Continue reading “Ann Ong: Filipino Fashion Accessory Designer”

Recent Visit to the UK Supreme Court

I recently toured the Supreme Court building for the first time, and couldn’t have been more impressed. I have been wanting to visit this building for years, not so much for its history but I must confess that the courts hold such a fascination for me. Becoming a lawyer was my childhood dream that’s why I took up Political Science in college (I actually did convince myself as a young girl that someday I’d be a ‘trial court judge’ — too ambitious, i know haha!). So I planned to go to law school, worked towards fulfilling that goal, and even passed the UP College of Law entrance exam but ended up studying business and international relations in Japan. Continue reading “Recent Visit to the UK Supreme Court”

The Only Surviving Extravagant Private Palace of Victorian London

I am delighted to have had the opportunity to visit Lancaster House, an historic building in London, a couple of weeks ago. The tour guide, an employee of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), took us around and after exploring the stately home I said to him, “Wow! This is a vibrant piece of living history. What a shame that the Crown Estate do not open this magnificent mansion to the public.” He explained that this is the only government building that’s used for conferences and other official functions, and as such it would not be easy to keep its door open to the public. I told him that if Buckingham Palace can manage to open some of the state rooms to the public during the summer months then surely the government can do the same thing when the FCO is resting from its gruelling diplomatic functions. Continue reading “The Only Surviving Extravagant Private Palace of Victorian London”

Celebrations and Cakes, Once Again

Consider this a mere placeholder.  Suffice it to say that I did bake these cakes last month for kids at our church. Three of our young people, Angeli, Heather and Tobi, graduated from high school and started junior college, and three small kids, Aaron, Kelly Mae and Zaye, celebrated their birthdays. I’ll come back and fill in this post with some details, and hopefully a recipe and more photos. PrincessCake.JPGAirplaneCake.JPGPoliceCarCake.JPGgraduationcakeAngeliTobiHeather.jpg

University of the Arts London (Chelsea-UAL) Textile Design Show

Next door to Tate Gallery Britain is Chelsea College of Arts, a constituent college of University of the Arts London (UAL), one of UK’s most prestigious art and design school. The UAL Summer Show showcases the results of a year’s hard work from students who are completing the post-graduate studies.  Continue reading “University of the Arts London (Chelsea-UAL) Textile Design Show”

Marco Polo: An Untold Love Story (A Review)

A couple of years ago I was thrilled to hear that a new musical about Marco Polo will be on the London stage this summer. As a young girl I was quite familiar with the story of Marco Polo because I’ve heard from my father stories about this 13th century Venetian explorer. Marco Polo’s adventure captured my imagination, and I began to read books about him when I was about 9-10 years old. So my love for history aroused my curiosity for this particular theatre production, and I was really excited to watch it. Continue reading “Marco Polo: An Untold Love Story (A Review)”

Blenheim Palace Gardens

During our visit to Blenheim Palace three weeks ago we saw some of the finest examples of England’s artistry.  From the tapestries and paintings hanging on the walls to the exquisite furnishings and the grandiose ceiling — everything is a work of art and shows the skills of the artists and craftsmen who made an indelible mark at the Duke of Marlborough’s palatial home. Continue reading “Blenheim Palace Gardens”

Madeira Cake

I’ve always loved the humble, not so difficult to make, but mind-bendingly-delicious cake. This Madeira Cake recipe taken from  Nigella Lawson’s cooking book “How to be a Domestic Goddess” is genuinely simple but very satisfying, and if decorated nicely with fruits, edible flowers, or anything you fancy really — then it becomes the prettiest cake you’ve ever seen.   Continue reading “Madeira Cake”